Assessment of organic matter biodegradation and physico-chemical parameters variation during co-composting of lignocellulosic wastes with Trametes trogii inoculation

  • Fersi, Mariem (Algae Biotechnology Unit (UBA), National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS), Biological Engineering department) ;
  • Mbarki, Khadija (Environmental Engineering and Eco Technology Laboratory, National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS), Geological Engineering department) ;
  • Gargouri, Kamel (Laboratory of olive and fruit trees productivity improvement, olive institute) ;
  • Mechichi, Tahar (Laboratory of Enzymatic Engineering and Microbiology (LGEM), National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS), Biological Engineering department) ;
  • Hachicha, Ridha (Algae Biotechnology Unit (UBA), National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS), Biological Engineering department)
  • 투고 : 2018.09.27
  • 심사 : 2019.01.11
  • 발행 : 2019.12.30


Lignin complexity molecule makes its biodegradation difficult during lignocellulosic wastes composting. So, the improvement of its biodegradation has usually been considered as an objective. This study aimed to determine the impact of Trametes trogii inoculation on organic matter and particularly on lignin and cellulose during green wastes co-composting with olive mill waste water sludge and coffee grounds. Three types of heaps (H1, H2 and H3) were investigated during 180 d. H3 and H2 were inoculated at the beginning of the process (t0) and 120 d later (t120), respectively while H1 was the control. Results showed the absence of pH stabilization in H3 during the first month. Also, in this period we observed a faster degradation of some easily available organic matter in H3 than in the other heaps. After 120 d, a better cellulose decomposition (25.28%) was noticed in H3 than in H1 and H2 (16%). Inoculation during the second fermentation phase induced supplementary lignin degradation in H2 with a percentage of 35% against 23 and 26% for H1 and H3, respectively. For all the runs, a Fourier Transform Infrared analysis showed aliphatic groups' decrease, OH groups' increase and lignin structural modification.



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