네트워크 마케팅 산업에서 독립 사업자의 기업 선택 속성이 경제적 및 비경제적 만족과 신뢰, 추천의도에 미치는 영향

Effects of Independent Operator's Company Selection Attributes on Economic and Non-Economic Satisfaction, Trust, and Recommendation in the Network Marketing Industry

  • 투고 : 2019.02.09
  • 심사 : 2019.02.28
  • 발행 : 2019.03.10


Purpose - Since the opening of Korea's distribution market, the domestic network marketing market has been continuing to grow. In this context, research on network marketing independent operators, which plays the most important role in the network marketing industry, is insufficient. This study was to identify the effects of Independent Operator's Company Selection Attributions on the Economic and Non-Economic Satisfaction, Trust, and Recommendation. The results will provide strategic direction, theoretical and practical implications for companies and operators in the network marketing industry. Research design, data, and methodology - In order to verify the research hypotheses, the data were collected from Independent Operators of Network marketing industry using questionnaires. The pretest was conducted from January 8 to 19, 2018, and the main survey was conducted from February 1 to 28. A total of 210 questionnaires, of which 193 copies were collected. The data were analyzed with SPSS 21.0. and AMOS 21.0. Results - The results are as follows; product competitiveness and system competitiveness have significant effects on economic satisfaction and non-economic satisfaction. Economic and non-economic satisfaction have significant effects on business trust. Economic and non-economic satisfaction did not influence recommendation intention directly, but influence it indirectly. Business trust has a significant effect on business recommendation intention. Conclusions - After starting network marketing business as an independent operator, the competitiveness of the company is meaningless, and product competitiveness and system competitiveness are important factors for economic and non-economic satisfaction. Therefore, network marketing companies and independent operators should prioritize product competitiveness and system competitiveness between business development. The findings show that trust in the business is very important for active business Recommendation to others. Therefore, network marketing firms and independent operators need to make efforts to meet economic and non-economic satisfaction, which have a significant impact on business trust.



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