A Comparative Study on Oral Fluency Between Korean Native Speakers and L2 Korean Learners in Speech Discourse - With Focus on Speech Rate, Pause, and Discourse Markers

발표 담화에서의 한국어 모어 화자와 한국어 학습자의 말하기 유창성 비교 연구 -발화 속도, 휴지, 담화표지를 중심으로-

  • Received : 2018.09.30
  • Accepted : 2018.11.26
  • Published : 2018.12.01


The purpose of this study is to prepare the basis for a more objective evaluation of oral fluency by comparing speech patterns of Korean native speakers and L2 Korean learners. For this purpose, the current study focused on the analysis of speech materials of the 21st century Sejong spoken corpus and Korean learner corpus. We compared the oral fluency of Korean native speakers and Korean learners based on speech rate, pause, and discourse markers. The results show that the pattern of Korean learners is different to that of Korean native speakers in all aspects of speech rate, pause, and discourse markers; even though proficiency of Korean leaners show increase, they could not reach the oral fluency level of Korean native speakers. At last, based on these results of the analysis, we added suggestions for setting the evaluation criteria of oral fluency of Korean learners.



Grant : 말하기/쓰기 평가와 챗봇을 이용한 1:1 언어학습 튜터링 기술 개발

Supported by : 정보통신기술진흥센터