An open Scheduling Framework for QoS resource management in the Internet of Things

  • Jing, Weipeng (Department of Computer science and technology, Northeast Forestry University) ;
  • Miao, Qiucheng (Department of Computer science and technology, Northeast Forestry University) ;
  • Chen, Guangsheng (Department of Computer science and technology, Northeast Forestry University)
  • 투고 : 2017.04.01
  • 심사 : 2018.03.19
  • 발행 : 2018.09.30


Quality of Service (QoS) awareness is recognized as a key point for the success of Internet of Things (IOT).Realizing the full potential of the Internet of Things requires, a real-time task scheduling algorithm must be designed to meet the QoS need. In order to schedule tasks with diverse QoS requirements in cloud environment efficiently, we propose a task scheduling strategy based on dynamic priority and load balancing (DPLB) in this paper. The dynamic priority consisted of task value density and the urgency of the task execution, the priority is increased over time to insure that each task can be implemented in time. The scheduling decision variable is composed of time attractiveness considered earliest completion time (ECT) and load brightness considered load status information which by obtain from each virtual machine by topic-based publish/subscribe mechanism. Then sorting tasks by priority and first schedule the task with highest priority to the virtual machine in feasible VMs group which satisfy the QoS requirements of task with maximal. Finally, after this patch tasks are scheduled over, the task migration manager will start work to reduce the load balancing degree.The experimental results show that, compared with the Min-Min, Max-Min, WRR, GAs, and HBB-LB algorithm, the DPLB is more effective, it reduces the Makespan, balances the load of VMs, augments the success completed ratio of tasks before deadline and raises the profit of cloud service per second.



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