전문약사 자격 보유여부에 따른 전문성 및 직무만족도 영향 분석

Analysis of the Influence of Holding Pharmacist Specialization for Professionalism and Job Satisfaction

  • 투고 : 2018.04.11
  • 심사 : 2018.09.14
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


Background : The prevalence of the chronic metabolic disease is increasing due to the aging society. Therefore, Korean Society of Health-system Pharmacists (KSHP) has a specialty pharmacist system to improve the professionalism of pharmacists. The purpose of this study is to suggest the difference between specialty pharmacist and non-specialty pharmacist with regards to their knowledge, delivery of information on medication, service provision, and job satisfaction. Methods : An online survey research was conducted for hospital pharmacists. The reliability of the questionnaire items was presented using Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ test. The t-test or ANOVA analysis was used for evaluating differences in continuous variables. Results : A total of 171 pharmacists responded to the questionnaire, and 87.7% of the respondents were aged less than 30 years (76.6%) and four-year graduates (86.0%). Typically, 108 (63.2%) were candidates for the pharmacist's specialty certificate, and the remaining 63 (36.8%) were not enrolled. Considering the field of specialty with overlapping, the total number of certificated patients was 140 (26.3% of the total of 532 in 2016). The results of the reliability analysis of the specific questionnaire showed that the Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ value was over 0.78. There was no significant difference in customer directionality between the two groups. However, there was a significant difference (p<0.05) with respect to overall knowledge about the treatment process, drug efficacy, and side effects, information about medicines and adverse drug reactions, and in providing appropriate information to medical staff including patients and physicians. Conclusions : The pharmacist with specialization showed a positive result of self-evaluation of items such as knowledge about drugs, communication of information on medications, and service provision, compared to other pharmacists, and the result was in correlation with the numbers of specialization. There was no difference in job satisfaction related to working environment. Henceforth, it is hypothesized that there is a necessity for continuous improvement in the working environment to suit the purpose of the pharmacy specialist system.



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