청소년의 가정 내 사회적 자본 유형과 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on Type and Characteristics Social capital in the family of Adolescents

  • 신근화 (경남대학교 사회복지학과)
  • 투고 : 2018.10.01
  • 심사 : 2018.12.27
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics of school adolescents social capital by using Q methodology, to improve the adaptation of adolescents to school, and to contribute to the theory of social capital. As a result of the analysis, five types were derived. Type I was abundance, type II was family ceremony type, type III was discipline, type IV was exchange type, type V was trust type'. Based on the above five types, the characteristics of the social capital types of school adolescents are as follows: First, Type I includes social capital elements in various areas with abundant social capital elements relative to other types. Second, Type III is the weakest type of support among family members among the social capital elements in the family. Emotional interactions in parent - child relationship are cut off. Type II, however, is more emotional Support is the strongest type. Third, types II, IV, and V are parents love and affection for their children and they are very interested in children. Types III, IV, and V are parents It can be seen that it acts as a guide and an advisor. Finally, we can see that the five commonalities share a minimum parental interest in children.



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