Research on John School as a policy to prevent recidivism of online sex trafficking

  • Received : 2018.07.30
  • Accepted : 2018.08.13
  • Published : 2018.08.31


Recently, President Donald Trump signed FOSTA (Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act) in April 11, 2018, which makes online service no more immune from civil liability for the action of third party facilitating sex trafficking content. Although it is also important to enhance security regulations and cognition on law, but it will be economically more effective to put more energy on preventing recidivism. For John School in Korea, it should increase implementation rate by putting core manpower and budget for preventing needs of sex purchase and then, check operation method and efficacy to improve the actual program. One way is first, empirical analysis and data is required on efficacy of John School program. Second, should have clear definition in Special Sex Trade Law. Third, more strick regulation for selecting participant is required. Fourth, more manpower and budget is required. Fifth, charging the participant for educational fee shall be reviewed. Sixth, educational program should be reviewed. The most important point of education is to make those criminals feel guilty about financially purchasing the sex, basically making them to recognize that it is ethically wrong. However, the current education system contains no clear explanation about the ethical issue of such problem but focusing more on other factors such as sexual disease and structural problem of sexual business. Therefore, this failed to deliver the right psychological training to those criminals without any ethical control. Knowing why women feel hurt when having unwanted sexual relationship by being paid is required part in terms of education for preventing sex trafficking.



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