Mosquito Distribution and Detection of Flavivirus Using Real Time RT-PCR in Jeju Island, 2017

제주지역 모기의 계절적 발생소장 및 Real Time RT-PCR을 이용한 Flavivirus 감염조사(2017)

  • Lee, Che-Wook (Laboratory of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeju National University) ;
  • Hwang, Kyu-Kye (Laboratory of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeju National University)
  • Received : 2018.07.05
  • Accepted : 2018.07.28
  • Published : 2018.09.01


This study examined the seasonal, regional distribution of mosquito vectors related with disease vectors in the Jeju. From March to November, sample were collected from 11 points in four environmentally different sites in Jeju Island. Samples were collected twice a month using a black-light trap and a BG sentinel trap. Overall, five genera and seven species types of 6,042 female mosquitos were collected. Among the collected mosquitos, 4,159 (68.8%) and 1,348 (24.4%) were Culex pipiens and Aedes albopictus, respectively, making them the dominant species. Additionally, collection using the black light trap produced 72.8 entities per trap in Jungang-dong service center in the center of the city, which was the highest value, while the lowest amount of 1.4 per trap was recovered from the airport. When the BG sentinel trap was used, the largest recovery was observed in the port, where there were 71.7 entities per trap, while the lowest amount of 28.3 entities per trap was recovered at Gealmae Eco Park. The overall number of mosquitoes collected started to increase from May, and reached the largest value of 1,156 (19.1%) in August. Trapped mosquitoes are created 364 pools of up to 50 grains per pool, by season, by environmental, and by species. When the pools were used, no flaviviral infection was observed upon real time RT-PCR.

기후온난화 현상이 지속되고 있는 제주지역에서 환경적으로 다른 지역 모기의 계절적 발생밀도를 조사하기 위해 제주시의 국제공항, 항만구역과 축사 그리고 서귀포 도심지의 11지점을 선정하여 3월부터 11월까지 매달 2회씩 Black light trap과 BG sentinel trap을 이용하여 모기를 채집하였다. 채집된 모기는 5속 7종. 6,042마리였으며, 이 중 빨간집모기(Culex pipiens)가 4,159마리(68.8%)로 우점종이었으며 흰줄숲모기(Aedes albopictus)는 1,348마리(24.4%)였다. Black light trap를 이용한 채집에서 중앙동주민센터는 트랩당 72.8마리를 채집하여 모기 밀도가 가장 높게 나타났으며 제주국제공항은 트랩당 1.4마리로 가장 낮게 나타났다. BG sentinel trap을 이용한 채집에서는 항만에서 트랩당 71.7마리로 가장 많았고 도심지의 걸매생태공원에서 28.3마리로 가장 낮았다. 시기별로 모기의 밀도는 5월부터 증가하기 시작하여 8월에 1,156마리(19.1%)로 가장 높은 밀도를 나타내었다. 채집된 암컷모기를 종별, 시기별, 지점별로 나누어 pool당 50마리 이하로 설정하여 총 364 pools에서 flavivirus 존재여부를 real time RT-PCR로 검사하였으나, 검출되지 않았다.



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