중국의 토지비축제도 운영 메커니즘과 운영모델 사례연구

A Case Study on the Management Models and the Management Mechanism of the Land Storage System of China

  • 김창경 (칭화대학교 건축학원 도농계획학)
  • Kim, Chang-Kyoung (The key laboratory of eco-planning & green building (Tsinghua University), Ministry of Education)
  • 투고 : 2018.03.10
  • 심사 : 2018.04.20
  • 발행 : 2018.04.30


The purpose of this study is to explore an implication for new perspectives and concrete approaches to Korean Land Banking by analyzing the role of the Land Bank and the Land Storage System in the formation of Chinese Land Market, Land Management, and City Management. Time scope of this research focused on Chinese reform and opening since 1978, when study of land bank began to be actively performed in China. Research targets were Land Bank and Land Storage System related to Chinese Land System, and this research targeted Chinese Land Storage System as research object, which seem to have similar tendency to Korean Land Banking System, after examining the concept of Land Bank and Land Storage System. As the research method, this research arranged the contents and changes of policy based on discussed research documents over Chinese Land Bank and Land Storage System till today since the foundation of the nation. Later, this research investigated the realistic reflection and in-depth investigation of the problems through the operational mechanism and concrete case study of Chinese Land Storage System, a similar policy to Korean land bank, the researchers will look into the reality reflected and will carry out a in-depth study of the problems. China has established its characteristic socialistic market economy system, partly adopting the concept of capitalism, supporting socialism. This way, the researcher considers that such socialistic economic factors with strong welfare aspects can be adopted also in Korea, where capitalistic market economy system is maintained, and be utilized as a new measure for development strategy.



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