Novel Dual DC-DC Flyback Converter with Leakage-Energy Recycling

  • 투고 : 2017.10.02
  • 심사 : 2018.02.26
  • 발행 : 2018.07.20


A novel dual DC-DC flyback converter with leakage-energy recycling is presented in this paper. Only an active switch is used for this converter. A pulse-width-modulation strategy is adopeted to control this switch. Two transformers are employed for the proposed converter. During the switch ON-period, the primary windings of the two transformers store energies. At the switch OFF-period, the energies stored in the primary windings of the two transformers are released to the output via the secondary windings of the two transformers. Meanwhile, the leakage energies of the two transformers can be recycled. The operating principles and steady-state analyses of the proposed converter are described in detail. A prototype circuit of the proposed converter is implemented for verifying the performances.



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