The Analysis and Adjustments of LOSA Program Codes Types for Pilot Error Managements

조종사 Error 대응을 위한 LOSA 프로그램 코드유형 분석 및 변환

  • Choi, Jin KooK (Department of Aeronautical Science and Flight Operation, Far East University) ;
  • Kim, Dae Ho (Safety Research Department, the Republic of Korea Air Force Aviation Safety Agency)
  • Received : 2018.04.29
  • Accepted : 2018.06.12
  • Published : 2018.06.30


Objective: The Purpose of this paper is to analyze and adjust the LOSA codes types in consideration of the characteristics and environment for the aviation organization with proactive aviation safety. Background: It may be required to analyze and adjust the LOSA codes for effective collection standards. It could better serve to identify the threats and Errors of the characteristics of the organizations for effective data collection. Method: It is analyze and adjusted for the threats and Errors codes on transportation purpose through the monitoring the flight operation and consulting from aviation safety specialists. The qualitative verifications are done by the domestic and international subject matter experts. Results: The analysis and adjustments on the threats and Errors codes types are made through in consideration of the flight environments. Conclusion: The LOSA has been promoted by international organizations as ICAO, IATA, FAA and IFAPA. It is required to implement LOSA as proactive safety tool to identify actual threats and Error of the cockpit for better management of human factors in safety management system with adjusted types of threats. Application: The aviation organizations are expected to manage aviation safety efficiently implementing LOSA by enhancing the safety change process before the accidents and incident occurs. The actual behavior of the crew can be identified explained through the narrations for improvements on standard procedures and training based on the evidence using types adjusted on this paper.



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