메시지 프레이밍이 소셜미디어 신뢰도 및 행동의도에 미치는 영향

The Effects of Message Framing on Social Media Credibility and Behavioral Intentions

  • 유병호 (유원대학교 호텔조리와인식품학부) ;
  • 황조혜 (경희대학교 호텔관광대학)
  • 투고 : 2018.02.26
  • 심사 : 2018.05.30
  • 발행 : 2018.06.30


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of message framing of social media contents on social media credibility and behavioral intention and the role of customers' gourmet restaurant involvement. In this study message framing is divided into regulatory focus and message sidedness and used experimental stimulus composed of $2{\times}2$ factorial design. Also investigated the effect into the social media credibility and behavioral intention. A total of 560 valid samples were analyzed. According to the results, it was confirmed that stimuli 'two-sided / prevention' and 'one-side / promotion' framing were the most influential framing on social media credibility and behavioral intention and the social media credibility has significant effect on the behavioral intention. In this study the effect of message framing which was not widely used in the hospitality industry research was confirmed. Also the usefulness of regulatory focus and message sidedness were identified in the various research in hospitality management.



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