The Discovery of , which was Hwang Dosoon's Handwritten Possessions, and its Significance

황도순 수택본(手澤本) 『연행일기(燕行日記)』의 발굴과 의의

  • Received : 2018.10.31
  • Accepted : 2018.11.23
  • Published : 2018.11.30


, which is part of The Oriental Library collection in Japan, is a record that Hwang Dosoon (黃道淳) visited China in 1894. In this paper, several facts have proved that the author of the is Hwang Dosoon. First, the records in the and coincide with each other. Second, I found Hwang Dosoon on the list of the written by Shim Donyoung and confirmed that one of the characters in his name was mis-spelled. Third, I confirmed that the date and place of the reports in coincided with the . Fourth, the name on the ownership stamp in the has been identified as Hwang Dosoon. The consists of five parts. They are preface, diary, appendix, list, and itinerary. The records are from August 7, 1849 to October 16, but briefly mentions the contents of the itinerary from July 17 to December 1. This book is a book written by Hwang Dosoon himself kept in his own collection, and is highly valuable because it is the only relic of Hwang Dosoon.


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그림 1. 『연행일기』 원문9)

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그림 2. 심돈영 『燕行錄・燕行日記・一行總錄』 중 譯官訓上堂上 무리의 일행 목록

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그림 3. 『연행일기・서문』 장서인 黃道淳印


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