The Study of Social-Face Sensitivity and Consumer Purchasing Behavior with Outdoor Wear -Mediating Effect of Conspicuous Consumption-

소비자의 체면민감성과 아웃도어웨어 구매행동 연구 -과시소비의 매개효과 분석-

  • Jin, Daegun (Dept. of Business Administration, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • You, Soye (Research Institute of Industry & Economy, Chonbuk National University)
  • Received : 2018.01.20
  • Accepted : 2018.04.14
  • Published : 2018.05.30


This study was to explore purchasing behavior and repurchase intention by considering social-face sensitivity and conspicuous consumption. To do this, first, this study tried to explain how consumers had different characteristics for social-face sensitivity, conspicuous consumption, purchasing behavior, and repurchase intention for outdoor wear. Second, this study tested the relationship between consumer behavior (purchasing behavior and repurchase intention) and social-face sensitivity by considering the mediating effect of conspicuous consumption. As the results, first, there was a significant relationship between social-face sensitivity (sensitivity to saving face) and conspicuous consumption, which had a significant effect on the purchasing behavior with outdoor wear(purchase frequency, purchase cost). Second, social-face sensitivity (consciousness of shame) had a significant effect on conspicuous consumption (preference for famous brands, status symbol, pursuing fashion), and social face sensitivity (consciousness of social formality) had a significant effect on conspicuous consumption (preference for famous brands). The relationship between the conspicuous consumption and purchasing behavior showed that conspicuous consumption had significant effects on consumer behavior (purchase frequency, purchase cost). The relationship between the social-face sensitivity and purchasing behavior showed that being conscious of others had a significant effect on purchasing behavior. Third, purchasing behavior with outdoor wear had a significant effect on repurchase intention. Finally, this study confirmed that conspicuous consumption had a partially significant mediating effect on the relationship between social-face sensitivity (sensitivity to saving face) and purchasing behavior.



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