The Support Scheme for New Farmers and the Role of Local Group in Biratori-cho, Hokkaido, Japan

일본 홋카이도 비라토리정의 신규취농 지원정책과 마을조직의 역할

  • Received : 2018.11.15
  • Accepted : 2018.12.12
  • Published : 2018.12.30


The presence of agricultural and rural society in South Korea has been threatened due to aging as well as depopulation. This study aims to explore the Japanese support scheme for new farmers and the role of local group in new farmers' successful settlement in agricultural and rural society. The case study area is Biratori-cho, Hokkaido, Japan. Firstly, this study identified the systemic support scheme for new farmers of Biratori-cho, which provides with two years' training program, mentoring, rental housing and financial aid. Secondly, we focused on the birth and the supporting role of local group, which is called 'Neo-frontier'. Lastly, we analysed the relationship of new farmers and local residents based on the in-depth interview of 11 new farmers' household. As conclusions, we emphasized the value of quality-based support scheme of local government, unlike the quantity-based policy focused on the number of in-migrants. Also, we discussed the meaning of social network in new farmers' successful settlement in agricultural and rural society.


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<그림 1> 비라토리정의 위치 및 주요 지구

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<그림 2> 후레나이 네오프론티어의 설립

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<그림 3> 신규취농자 취농과정에서의 네오프론티어의 역할

<표 1> 비라토리정의 신규취농자 추이

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<표 2> 후레나이 신규취농자의 취농 동기

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<표 3> 후레나이 신규취농자의 농업경영 개요

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<표 4> 후레나이 신규취농자의 지역과의 관계

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