Fig. 1. Examples of the Text in Natural-scene Images [3].
Fig. 2. Transforming fully connected layers into convolutionlayers enables a classi?cation net to output a heat map. Addinglayers and a spatial loss produces an ef?cient machine for end-to-end dense learning [26].
Fig. 3. FCN architecture used in the proposed method
Fig. 4. Example of Feature-map Generation from the Usage of the Supervised Fully Convolutional Network (FCN).(a) Input image, (b)-(e) feature maps from stages 1-4, and (f) feature maps for stage 5 and the final salient map
Fig. 5. Illustration of the ground-truth map
Fig. 6. Detection Examples of the Proposed Method
Table 1. Performance of Different Algorithms Evaluated on the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR)- 2013 Dataset.
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