Fig. 1. The Evolution of Virtual Reality, Syracuse Univ, 2016
Fig. 2. Soundscape VR, 2015
Fig. 3. Animusic, 1995
Fig. 4. Animusic, Pipe Dream
Fig. 5. Step Sequencer Control System
Fig. 6. 4 Areas for Step Sequencer Control System
Fig. 7. Step Sequencer Test for Ableton Live
Fig. 8. Suboac M2 vibration waistcoat
Fig. 9. put on Oculus HMD and vibration waistcoat
Fig. 10. Final Step Sequencer Control System
Fig. 11. Step Sequencer Final Performance
Table 1. HMD Devices
Table 2. Case by VR
Table 3. Main experiential value of VR
Table 4. In VR, the elements of presence and immersion
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