Fig. 1. IT course status in Computational Science
Fig. 2. Major course vs Computer science course in Computational Science
Fig. 3. Need for HPC Education
Fig. 4. Environment of HPC education
Fig. 5. Experience of HPC education
Fig. 6. Learning path of HPC Knowledge & Skill
Fig. 7. Importance of HPC education types
Fig. 8. Degree of provision by HPC educational type
Table 1. Researches on HPC Education Programs
Table 2. Subject Balance(%Courses) for B.S degree programs in CS(%), CSE(%), CP(%), and PH(%)
Table 3. Researches on HPC Education Programs
Table 4. IT Subjects in Computational Science
Table 5. t-test of HPC education type
Table 6. Borich’s socre of HPC education type
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