O/H Stable Isotopic Composition and Groundwater-surface Water Connectivity: A Case Study for Wangjeon-ri Water Curtain Cultivation Area, Nonsan, Korea

산소/수소안정동위원소를이용한지하수-지표수연계성연구: 논산시왕전리수막 재배지역 사례

  • Moon, Sang-Ho (Geologic Environment Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM))
  • 문상호 (한국지질자원연구원 지질환경연구본부 지하수연구센터)
  • Received : 2018.12.12
  • Accepted : 2018.12.19
  • Published : 2018.12.28


One of problems related with water curtain cultivation (WCC) in Korea includes severe declination of groundwater levels during the peak season, and it is likely that the problem can be resolved efficiently when the connection characteristics between groundwater and stream are well understood. This study examined temperature, and oxygen/hydrogen stable isotopic compositions of the flowing groundwater to understand the connection between stream and ground water, and the influence of stream water on the nearby aquifer. This study was performed in Wangjeon-ri (Kwangseok-myon, Nonsan City), the well-known strawberry town using WCC technique. The sampling was done during February 2010 through June 2011 for both groundwaters and nearby streams. Temperature distribution pattern indicates that stream widely affected groundwater in the right part of WCC ara. In the left part, the influence of stream seems to occur narrowly near the stream. The similar phenomenon is reflected in the oxygen and hydrogen isotopic data.

우리나라에서 수막재배가 주로 이루어지는 수변지역에서는 수막재배 성수기 말기에 지하수위 하강이 심하게 나타나는 문제점이 있으며, 이러한 지하수위 하강과 지하수 자원 고갈의 문제는 인근 하천수와의 연계 특성을 고려할 때 효율적으로 해결할 수 있을 것이다. 이 연구에서는 수막재배지에서의 지하수와 하천수와의 연계성 및 지하수 대수층에 미치는 하천수의 영향 범위를 논의하기 위해, 지하수의 토출온도, 지하수와 하천수의 산소 수소 안정동위원소 조성 변화 특성을 검토하였다. 연구지역은 딸기 수막재배지로 잘 알려진 논산시 광석면 왕전리 지역이며, 지하수와 하천수의 시료 채취는 2010년 2월부터 2011년 6월까지 실시되었다. 지하수의 수온 분포 패턴에 의하면, 하천수의 영향은 주로 수막재배지의 우측 부분에서 넓은 범위에 걸쳐 나타났으며, 좌측 부분은 하천 인근에서만 좁은 범위의 영향을 받고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 현상은 수막재배지 내에서 산출되는 지하수의 산소 수소 안정동위원소 조성에서도 유사한 양상으로 나타났다.


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Fig. 1. Map showing the situation of Wangjeon-ri WCC(water curtain cultivation). Numbers and nx indicates well diameters (map source:, 2018-12-01). Yellow boxes; vinyl houses running WCC, pale green boxes; no use of WCC(KIGAM, 2011).

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Fig. 3. Groundwater temperature vs. well depth and distances from Noseongcheon stream at Wangjeon-ri WCC area.

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Fig. 4. Temperature (℃) distribution pattern of pumped groundwater during the WCC peak time of 2010 at Wangjeon-ri area.

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Fig. 5. Variations of oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopic compositions of groundwater with distance from Noseongcheon stream.

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Fig. 6. Comparison of δD and δ18O values for stream and ground water samples between two periods of March and July of 2010 at Wangjeon-ri WCC area.

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Fig. 8. Distribution pattern of oxygen stable isotopic compositions (‰) of pumped groundwater during the WCC peak time of 2010 at Wangjeon-ri area.

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Fig. 7. Plot of δD versus δ18O values for stream and ground water sampled during the WCC peak time (February to March, 2010) at Wangjeon-ri WCC area.

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Fig. 2(a). WCC area and sampling locations of Noseongcheon stream water (NSS-1 & 2) and groundwater (NS-26~28) in the preferred recharge area at the northern hillside of Wangjeon-ri area.

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Fig. 2(b). Sampling locations for measuring oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopic compositions of groundwater within Wangjeon-ri WCC area.

Table 1. Depth and distance from stream for groundwater wells and their measured water temperature at Wangjeon-ri area (measured during February 2010 through June 2011)

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Table 2. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of surface and ground water at Wangjeon-ri WCC area (sampled at the peak time of WCC during February through July of 2010)

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