Information-Based Urban Regeneration for Smart Education Community

스마트 교육 커뮤니티 정보기반 도시재생

  • Received : 2018.04.12
  • Accepted : 2018.11.16
  • Published : 2018.12.30


This research is to analyze the public cases of information facilities in terms of central circulations in multi level volumes such as atrium or court which provide visual intervention between different spaces and physical connections such as bridges. Hunt Library design balances the understood pre-existing needs with the University's emerging needs to create a forward-thinking learning environment. While clearly a contemporary structure within a traditional context of the NCSU campus, the Hunt Library provides a positive platform for influencing its surroundings. Both technical and programmatic innovations are celebrated as part of the learning experience and provide a versatile and stimulating environment for students. Public library as open spaces connecting to an interactive social domain over communities can provide variety of learning environments, or technology based labs. There are many cases of the public information spaces with dynamic networks where participants can play their roles in physical space as well as in the intellectual stimulation. In the research, new public projects provide typologies of information spaces with user oriented media. The research is to address a creative transition between the reading space and the experimental links of the integration of state-of-the-art technology is highly visible in the building's design. The user-friendly browsing system that replaces the traditional browsing with the virtual shelves classified and archived by their form, is to reduce the storage space of the public library and it is to allow more space for collaborative learning. In addition to the intelligent robot of information storages, innovative features is the large-scale visualization space that supports team experiments to carry out collaborative online works and therefore the public library's various programs is to provide visitors with more efficient participatory environment.



Supported by : 한국교육시설학회


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