Fig. 1. An example of an LNG spill and vapor dispersion [2].
Fig. 3. KORA framework of National Institute of Chemical Safety [5].
Fig. 2. An ALOHA threat zone estimate displayed on a MARPLOT map [7].
Fig. 4. Estimation of real-time gas dispersion, integrated with surrogate prediction models (adapted from [10])
Fig. 5. Basic principle of cellular automata simulation (adapted from [13])
Fig. 6. An agent-based, forest fire simulation on NetLogo [11]
Fig. 7. Proposed dispersion simulation, based on cellular automata implemented in Python
Fig. 8. Popular scientific Python libraries [1]
Fig. 9. Flowchart of the implemented system
Fig. 10. Comparison of a simulation result against Gumi chemical leak (2012)
Fig. 11. Part of the open source OSSCA implmented in Python
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