A Survey on Automatic Twitter Event Summarization

  • Rudrapal, Dwijen (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology) ;
  • Das, Amitava (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Information Technology) ;
  • Bhattacharya, Baby (Dept. of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology)
  • Received : 2017.11.08
  • Accepted : 2017.12.26
  • Published : 2018.02.28


Twitter is one of the most popular social platforms for online users to share trendy information and views on any event. Twitter reports an event faster than any other medium and contains enormous information and views regarding an event. Consequently, Twitter topic summarization is one of the most convenient ways to get instant gist of any event. However, the information shared on Twitter is often full of nonstandard abbreviations, acronyms, out of vocabulary (OOV) words and with grammatical mistakes which create challenges to find reliable and useful information related to any event. Undoubtedly, Twitter event summarization is a challenging task where traditional text summarization methods do not work well. In last decade, various research works introduced different approaches for automatic Twitter topic summarization. The main aim of this survey work is to make a broad overview of promising summarization approaches on a Twitter topic. We also focus on automatic evaluation of summarization techniques by surveying recent evaluation methodologies. At the end of the survey, we emphasize on both current and future research challenges in this domain through a level of depth analysis of the most recent summarization approaches.


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Fig. 1. Unigram words graph of a tweet.

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Fig. 2. Tree structure of Twitter topic summarization approaches.

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Fig. 3. Phrase graph of tweets using PR algorithm.

Table 1. Brief report on extractive summarization approaches

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Table 2. Brief report on abstractive summarization approaches

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