Fig. 1. The 4 types of MBTI Preference
Fig. 2. The 16 types of MBTI
Fig. 3. Research Model
Fig. 4. Frequency Analysis of Korean’s 4 types of MBTI
Table 1. The 4 types of MBTI Temperament
Table 2. Frequency Analysis of the 4 types of MBTI Preference
Table 3. Frequency Analysis of the 4 types of MBTI Temperament
Table 4. Frequency Analysis of the 4 types of MBTI
Table 5. Self-efficacy t-test
Table 6. Major-Satisfaction t-test
Table 7. Academic Achievement(GPA) t-test
Table 8. Test of hypothesis (H1)
Table 9. Test of hypothesis (H2)
Table 10. Test of hypothesis (H3)
Table 11. Test of hypothesis (H4)
Table 12. Test of hypothesis (H5)
Table 13. Test of hypothesis (H6)
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