A Study on the Noise Characteristics of noise occurred when medical examination in dental clinic

  • Ji, Dong-Ha (Dept. of Environmental Health, Daejeon Health Institute of Technology) ;
  • Lee, Yong-Gyoo (Division of Social Welfare, Woo song College)
  • Received : 2018.08.20
  • Accepted : 2018.11.14
  • Published : 2018.12.31


This study was conducted to investigate the effects of noise from dental clinics on workers and to establish a reduction plan. The noise generated by the treatment instrument(Ultrasonic scaler, Hand piece, 3-way syringe, Suction, Compressor) was measured in order to determine the characteristics(level, frequency) of the noise during medical treatment(Oral prophylaxis, Conservation treatment, Prosthesis treatment, Implant Scaling, Tooth eliminating). We also assessed the noise levels in dental clinic using evaluation indicators such as NR-curves and NRN. The results of the analysis showed that the noise generated during the treatment was 85dB(A) ~ 70dB(A) and that the high frequency component was dominant, which would affect the workers working at the dental clinic. The NR-curve analysis showed NR-67 to NR-83 and the high frequency components of 4kHz to 8kHz were predominant and far exceeded noise levels in the workplace. To minimize the noise damage of workers and to provide high quality medical service, it is necessary to establish countermeasures such as wearing a soundproof and periodic hearing tests.


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Fig. 1. Measuring Feature

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Fig. 2. Specification of analysis program(CESVA V.8)

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Fig. 3. Noise level of treatment device by frequency

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Fig. 4. Characteristics of noise according to the treatment kind

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Fig. 5. NR-curve at medical examination(Continue)

Table 1. Specification of measuring instrument

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Table 2. The used instrument according to the medical examination

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Table 3. The characteristics of noise and used instrument according to the dental practice

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Table 4. Effect of noise on human body

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Table 5. NR and Determining frequency in accordance with medical examination

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Table 6. Permissible value of indoor noise in accordance with NRN

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