Fig. 1. Study site of Phyllospadix iwatensis growth dynamics. The site was located in Goseong-gun, Gangwon-do, on the open shores of the eastern coast of the Korean peninsula.
Fig. 2. Monthly changes in underwater irradiance (A), and water temperature (B) at the study site from August 2017 to July 2018.
Fig. 3. Monthly changes in number of leaves per shoot (A), leaf width (B), leaf thickness (C), sheath length (D), sheath width (E), and shoot height (F) of Phyllospadix iwatensis from August 2017 to July 2018.
Fig. 4. Monthly changes in shoot density of Phyllospadix iwatensis from August 2017 to July 2018. Vegetative shoot (A), spadix (B), and total shoot (C).
Fig. 5. Monthly changes in biomass of Phyllospadix iwatensis from August 2017 to July 2018. Above ground (A), rhizome+root (B), and total biomass (C).
Fig. 6. Monthly changes in leaf productivity per shoot (A), and areal leaf productivity (B) of Phyllospadix iwatensis from August 2017 to July 2018.
Fig. 7. Best-fit regressions of Phyllospadix iwatensis areal leaf production on underwater irradiance (A), and water temperature (B).
Table 1. Pearson‘s correlation analysis results (two-tailed) for number of leaves (NL), leaf width (LW), sheath width (SW), sheath length (SL), leaf thickness (LT), shoot height (SH), leaf productivity per shoot (SP), areal leaf productivity (AP), vegetative shoot density (VD), spadix density (SD), total shoot density (TD), above ground biomass (AB), rhizome+root biomass (RB), total biomass (TB), underwater irradiance (UI), and water temperature (WT)
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