An Analysis on the Importance and Performance of Personal Information Protection for the Elderly Welfare Center Employees

  • Received : 2018.10.08
  • Accepted : 2018.11.12
  • Published : 2018.11.30


The purpose of this study is to present effective basic data for business management through analysis of importance and performance of personal information protection of the elderly welfare center workers. For this purpose, the questionnaire on the protection of personal information was reconstructed based on the diagnostic level of the personal information security management level of the public institution and the questionnaire was conducted on 105 employees of the elderly welfare center in Chungbuk area. Based on the responses to the importance and the degree of performance of the personal information protection of the elderly welfare center employees, technical statistics and corresponding sample T-tests were conducted and the importance-performance analysis (IPA) was used. Followings are the results of this study: First, there is a statistically significant difference between the importance and the implementation of the management system for the protection of personal information of the workers in the elderly welfare center, establishment and implementation of protection measures, establishment and implementation of infringement measures. Second, IPA analysis on the protection of personal information of the workers in the elderly welfare center shows that the establishment and implementation of protection measures are the areas to maintain good performance. Third, in IPA analysis of the sub-factors of the personal information protection of the workers in the welfare center of the elderly, in the construction and management of the management system, in performing the role of the personal information protection officer and establishing and implementing protection measures, The factors of prevention of information disclosure and exposure and the safe use and management of personal information processing system were analyzed as areas requiring intensive improvement. This study is meaningful as a basic research that can raise the awareness of the personal information protection of the workers in the elderly welfare center and induce the improvement of the related work.


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Fig 1. Importance-Performance Analysis Model

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Fig 2. The importance and performance matrix

Table 1. Public institution private information protection management level diagnosis diagnostic index

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Table 2. Participants’ Profiles

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Table 3. Components and Measures of the Questionnaire

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Table 4. Analysis of the Importance and Performance Difference of Personal Information in the Elderly Welfare Center

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Table 5. IPA analysis of the importance and performance

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