Fig. 2. Concentration change of carbon dioxide with time(VIP Room)
Fig. 3. Concentration change of HCHO with time (VIP Room)
Fig. 4. Concentration change of VOC with time (VIP Room)
Fig. 5. Concentration change of carbon dioxide with time(Lobby)
Fig. 6. Concentration change of PM10 with time(Lobby)
Fig. 7. Concentration change of VOC & HCHO with time(VIP Room)
Fig. 1 Measuring Scene
Table 1. Measurement items
Table 2. Results of temperature and humidity measurement (VIP Room)
Table 3. Carbon dioxide measurement result(VIP Room)
Table 4. HCHO measurement result(VIP Room)
Table 5. VOC measurement result(VIP Room)
Table 6. Results of temperature and humidity measurement (Lobby)
Table 7. CO2 measurement result(Lobby)
Table 8. PM10 measurement result(Lobby)
Table 9. Measurement result(VIP Room, Lobby)
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