Fig. 1. Deep Learning-based Classification System
Fig. 2. The Preprocessing of Model Training
Fig. 3. Model Training
Fig. 4. LSTM Model
Fig. 5. GRU Model
Fig. 6. CNN Model
Fig. 7. Preprocessing of Genre Selection
Fig. 8. Genre Selection
Fig. 9. Word2Vec Visualization using T-SNE
Fig. 10. Deep Learning Model-based Training and Validation Accuracy in Classifying Articles
Fig. 11. Loss Change In Classifying Articles,
Fig. 12. Model Training Accuracy and Validation Accuracy Change In Classifying paragraphs,
Fig. 13. Loss Change In Classifying Paragraphs,
Table 1. Number of Articles and Paragraphs in COCA
Table 2. COCA Database Sample
Table 3. Hardware Configuration
Table 4. Software Configuration
Table 5. Article and Article Tagging List
Table 6. Paragraph and Paragraph Tagging List
Table 7. Sentence and Tagging List
Table 8. Maximum and Minimum Sequence Length in Article- and Paragraph-based Sentence List
Table 9. Preprocessing of Model Training
Table 10. Parameters of LSTM and GRU
Table 11. Parameters of CNN
Table 12. Training Accuracy, Validation Accuracy, and Genre Test Accuracy in the Articles Experiment
Table 13. Training Accuracy, Validation Accuracy and Genre Test Accuracy in the Paragraphs Experiment
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