도시재생을 위한 근대건축물의 공간적 재생 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Spatial Regeneration Characteristics of Modern Architecture for Urban Regeneration

  • 투고 : 2017.11.15
  • 심사 : 2018.01.25
  • 발행 : 2018.02.28


Environmental issues had arisen following industrialization with rapid physical growth of city and its consequences: widened metropolitan areas, uncontrolled reconstructions of new metropolitan areas, many social issues, such as declines of existing metropolitan areas. Due to these issues, new development policies have been made in order to find identities and reconstruct new images of cities. This research aims to remind the meaning of conservation of modern construction and building re-use, and to identify values of modern architectures in the context of a city. Regeneration of cities is not only finding national identities, but also expecting to increase inflow of foreign travellers. However, this regeneration hasn't stayed sustainable, focusing only on short-term curing of the problem in limited areas. This work analyzes cases of modern architecture, historic buildings from various cultures: Western, Japanese, Chinese. The result of the analysis shows that the value of existing buildings and citizen participation is necessary to revitalize cities. Four characteristics have been also identified: historic relationship, spatial identity, spatial presence, and approachable efficiency. For a potential solution, cities need to be viewed from multiple perspectives to find a method to generate new vitality for a city whose values should be recognized as an asset through sustainable re-use, by transforming modern construction as a heritage.



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