재난 상황에서 지상파 방송의 유용성 연구

A Study on the Usibility of Terrestrial Broadcasting in Natural Disaster

  • 이상운 (남서울대학교 멀티미디어학과)
  • 투고 : 2018.09.13
  • 심사 : 2018.09.19
  • 발행 : 2018.09.30


In this study, take a look at natural disasters and technical characteristics such as frequency, bandwidth, transmission power, and service coverage of mobile communication and terrestrial broadcasting are compared as a means to provide disaster warning service in case of natural disaster, which is increasing in recent years. In the event of a disaster, mobile communication systems that take high frequency bands, low power transmission and narrow coverage can be disabled, but terrestrial broadcasting, which uses VHF and UHF with good frequency characteristics and high transmission power and wide service coverage provides stable services. As result terrestrial broadcast is useful as emergency warning or information in case of disaster.



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