3상 3레벨 인버터의 중성점 제어를 이용한 고조파 왜율 저감 효과

The effect of Harmonic Distortion Reduction on Three Phase Three level Inverter Using Neutral Point Control

  • 김정규 (청주대학교 반도체공학과) ;
  • 양오 (청주대학교 반도체공학과)
  • Kim, Jeong Gyu (Semiconductor Engineering of CheongJu University) ;
  • Yang, Oh (Semiconductor Engineering of CheongJu University)
  • 투고 : 2018.09.13
  • 심사 : 2018.09.19
  • 발행 : 2018.09.30


In this paper, we applied a three-level T-type inverter with the one more voltage level than two-level inverter. However, the three-level T-type inverter has a systematic problem with voltage unbalances. So neutral point control is essential. Therefore, the voltage unbalance problem of the three - phase inverter was confirmed to be controlled within 5V using the neutral point control algorithm in charge and discharge mode. In addition, total harmonic distortion was reduced in three phases (u phase, v phase, w phase) when neutral point control was performed in charging mode and also in three phases (u phase, v phase, w phase) in discharge mode. In this paper suggests a neutral point control algorithm to solve the voltage unbalance of a three-level T-type inverter, and shows the improvement of the performance of the proposed algorithm through experiment.



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