Are Sequential Decision-Making Processes of Tourists and Consumers the Same?

  • 투고 : 2017.09.18
  • 심사 : 2017.09.23
  • 발행 : 2017.09.30


The purposes of this study were to examine if a decision making by a tourist sequentially or hierarchically occurs in a tourism destination and to test determinants that have an effect on both a sequential and non-sequential decision making. An instrument for the study was developed with three steps. A total of 420 and 380 questionnaire were collected respectively for the first two round surveys. For the third step, a pilot test was conducted with 30 respondents. And the data analysis utilized SPSS 18.0. A logistic regression analysis with variables of tourism activity and demography was employed to investigate the factors that affect a sequence of decision-making process. As an important result, the higher the age of the tourist in a tourism destination, the more conspicuous the consumption expenditure is made through the sequential decision-making process. Additionally, it is unreasonable to apply the premises and assumptions in extant consumer behavior to tourist behavior. The process of decision making by tourists in tourism areas is driven by either non-sequential or non-hierarchical decision-making process. More discussion and implications were provided.



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