세드릭 프라이스의 건축에 나타나는 사이버네틱스의 영향 -'펀 팰리스' 프로젝트를 중심으로-

A Study on the Influence of Cybernetics in Architecture of Cedric Price -Focused on 'Fun Palace' Project-

  • 투고 : 2017.08.15
  • 심사 : 2017.10.20
  • 발행 : 2017.10.31


The 1960s in Britain was the period of rapid economic and social change. Under this circumstance, the visionary architect Cedric Price designed the Fun Palace, of which idea came from the theatre producer, Joan Littlewood. They hoped this place to be an improvisational learning space, so Price proposed the building as 'kit of parts' which can respond to programmatic indeterminacy. Cybernetics was introduced to control this flexibility dramatically changed the character of the project from 'theatre of people' to 'interactive machine'. That resulted in the change of the status of user from subjective human beings to abstract data in the cybernetic algorithm as well, and led the project to a completely opposite direction from that Price intended. After Fun Palace, cybernetics technology could still be found in his other projects, and it can be assumed that this was because the algorithmic system of cybernetics were on the same line of thought of Price's idea - anti-building or 'kit of parts'. The effects of cybernetics varied in projects; Similar negative effect in Fun Palace can be found in Generator project, but on the other hand, in Potteries Thinkbelt project, cybernetics showed a positive aspect by contribution to the development of project on the formal analogy of algorithmic network.



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