A Study on the Kimchi Recipe in the Early Joseon Dynasty through 「Juchochimjeobang」

「주초침저방(酒醋沈菹方)」에 수록된 조선 전기(前期) 김치 제법 연구 - 현전 최초 젓갈김치 기록 내용과 가치를 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2017.06.01
  • Accepted : 2017.09.18
  • Published : 2017.10.30


This study aims to examine the contents of "Juchochimjeobang", a cookbook about Jeotgal kimchi, and review its value in the history. This cookbook was published between about 1500s and early 1600s, and its book title is unknown because both the front and the back covers thereof are missing. However, the cookbook contains many wine and kimchi recipes, accounting for 66%, and "Juchochimjeobang" was thus named after the recipes. "Juchochimjeobang" has 126 recipes in 120 categories, and this study examines 20 kimchi recipes and 7 recipes for preserving vegetables. "Juchochimjeobang" has a specific recipe for making Jahajeot and Baekajeot kimchi which are described in literature published between 1400s and 1500s. Although the recipes for making the aforementioned two types of Jeotgal kimchi are simple because jeotgal is just mixed with main materials, they are different from the recipe for Seokbakji described in Gyuhapchongseo, a cookbook written in the 19th-century Joseon Dynasty. Seokbakji described in Gyuhapchongseo is made by mixing spices of ginger, spring onion, chili powder with other materials. This implies changes of making Seokbakji over time. Moreover, "Juchochimjeobang" is a very valuable historical cookbook because it has unique recipes, for example, adding sesame liquid, chinese pepper, willow and the like.



Supported by : 세계김치연구소


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