Lighting Environment Design Research for Well-Being of Elderly People

고령자의 삶의 질 향상을 위한 조명환경 디자인 연구

  • Received : 2017.07.30
  • Accepted : 2017.09.01
  • Published : 2017.10.31


It is necessary to conduct a basic research on fusion of ighting design or lighting environment to improve the health and quality of life of elderly people. The purpose of this study is to analyze the lighting situation of elderly people 's residential facilities in terms of space environment design plan and to analyze the trends in smart home, design and technology. It is to provide basic data for the prototype of lighting fixtures for elderly people living facilities considering functional, physiological and emotional characteristics. For the study, the target sites were selected and the results of the illumination survey of the target facilities were divided into two types of spaces, residential and other public spaces, and their location, lighting fixtures' type, color temperature, illuminance. The results of the survey showed that the overall physical illumination compared to the recommended illuminance for the elderly satisfied the recommended range and provided the appropriate brightness for the elderly. However, in the application layout of the lighting fixtures, a monotonous arrangement and a lighting fixtures type consisting entirely of simple square type fixtures and downlight types were applied. It would be desirable to use different types of lighting fixtures in the design for various functions, such as making the environment more comfortable. Future research will propose a prototype for the design direction of the subdivided lighting fixtures that classify the space according to functions and understand the vision problem of the elderly while aesthetically.



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