Analysis of the Space Planning Guidance about the Temporary Shelter Emphasizing Habitability for Disaster Victims in U.S.

거주성 관점의 미국 이재민 임시대피시설 공간계획 관련 지침분석

  • Received : 2017.08.15
  • Accepted : 2017.09.20
  • Published : 2017.10.31


The purpose of this study was to analyze the information about the disaster temporary shelter space planning guidance described in the U.S. shelter guidelines in terms of the habitability for disaster victims and to address the implications and potential impacts of its findings for the improvement of the shelter design standards and guidelines in Korea. The researchers reviewed four federal and non-governmental organization shelter field and design guidelines and attributes regarding the shelter space planning were classified in accordance with four habitability categories: Safety, Health, Convenience, and Comfort. Three major findings emerged from this study: 1)A total of 72 items about the shelter space planning were extracted from guidelines, and the majority of items are concerned with dormitory areas and sanitary spaces. Other items were about accessibility, children respite care area, signage, health service areas, food preparation and serving areas, parking and drop-off areas, registration and waiting areas, shelter manager and staff areas, lounge and storage areas, and household pets area. 2)Most of these items are strongly related to the convenience category(66.7%), followed by comfort(40.3%), safety(30.6%), and health(25.0%). 3)The habitability of the disaster temporary shelter can be established with considerations on the needs of disaster victims and vulnerable people, minimum occupancy space per person, separate sanitary spaces for the privacy, safe and convenient access routes to the shelter, and the provision of children areas for safety and comfort. The study findings will contribute to the development of the disaster shelter guidelines in Korea by suggesting shelter space planning indicators related to the habitability for the governmental and non-governmental organizations' immediate and systematic responses to the disaster.



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