What is needed for the success of national responsibility for dementia

치매국가책임제가 성공하려면

  • Lee, Dong Woo (Department of Psychiatry, Inje University Sanggye Paik Hospital)
  • 이동우 (인제대학교 상계백병원 정신건강의학과)
  • Received : 2017.07.21
  • Accepted : 2017.08.23
  • Published : 2017.08.20


Dementia is a chronic, disabling illness which is most feared by elderly people. Dementia causes heavy caregiver burden on the family. Dementia also imposes much burden on the society, making it one of the major public health problem in many countries. Actually, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development recommended to pose a priority to dementia management as a public health task. As the Korean population is rapidly aging, there is a rapid increase of people with dementia in Korea. In Korea, the people with dementia doubles every 15 years, and the economic burden of care for dementia doubles every 10 years. To cope with this rapidly increasing burden of dementia, Korean government has launched: plan for national responsibility for dementia. The plan is composed of distributing dementia reassuring center nationwide, setting up dementia reassuring hospital, and decreasing the burden of paid money for medical treatment and long-term care for dementia. The major hurdles in implementing the plan and the strategies to overcome such hurdles by public-private collaboration are suggested.



  1. National Institute of Dementia. Current condition of demen-tia [Internet]. Seongnam: National Institute of Dementia [cited 2017 Aug 7]. Available from:
  2. National Institute of Dementia. Korean dementia observatory 2016. Seongnam: National Institute of Dementia; 2017.
  3. Ministry of Health and Welfare. Nationwide survey on the dementia epidemiology of Korea 2012. Seongnam: Seoul National University Bundang Hospital; 2012.
  4. Ministry of Health and Welfare. Survey on dementia elderly. Seongnam: Seoul National University Bundang Hospital; 2011.
  5. World Health Organization; Alzheimer's Disease Interna-tional. Dementia: a public health priority. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2012.

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