Squaring the Circle and Recognizing Right Triangles of Ancient Egyptians

고대 이집트인들의 원의 구적과 직각삼각형의 인식

  • Received : 2017.04.14
  • Accepted : 2017.07.13
  • Published : 2017.08.31


In this paper, we discuss how ancient Egyptians find out the area of the circle based on $\ll$Ahmose Papyrus$\gg$. Vogel and Engels studied the quadrature of the circle, one of the basic concepts of ancient Egyptian mathematics. We look closely at the interpretation based on the approximate right triangle of Robins and Shute. As circumstantial evidence for Robbins and Shute's hypothesis, Egyptians prior to the 12th dynasty considered the perception of a right triangle as examples of 'simultaneous equation', 'unit of length', 'unit of slope', 'Egyptian triple', and 'right triangles transfer to Greece'. Finally, we present a method to utilize the squaring the circle by ancient Egyptians interpreted by Robbins and Shute as the dynamic symmetry of Hambidge.



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