Rayleigh waves in anisotropic magnetothermoelastic medium

  • Kumar, Rajneesh (Department of Mathematics, Kurukshetra University) ;
  • Sharma, Nidhi (Department of Mathematics, MM University) ;
  • Lata, Parveen (Department of Basic and Applied Sciences, Punjabi University) ;
  • Abo-Dahab, S.M. (Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, South Valley University)
  • 투고 : 2016.12.06
  • 심사 : 2017.06.27
  • 발행 : 2017.09.25


The present paper is concerned with the investigation of Rayleigh waves in a homogeneous transversely isotropic magnetothermoelastic medium with two temperature, in the presence of Hall current and rotation. The formulation is applied to the thermoelasticity theories developed by Green-Naghdi theories of Type-II and Type-III. Secular equations are derived mathematically at the stress free and thermally insulated boundaries. The values of Determinant of secular equations, phase velocity and Attenuation coefficient with respect to wave number are computed numerically. Cobalt material has been chosen for transversely isotropic medium and magnesium material is chosen for isotropic solid. The effects of rotation, magnetic field and phase velocity on the resulting quantities and on particular case of isotropic solid are depicted graphically. Some special cases are also deduced from the present investigation.



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