A Study on Creative and Convergent SW Education Programs for improving Computational Thinking

  • Received : 2017.02.23
  • Accepted : 2017.06.23
  • Published : 2017.08.31


After the fourth industrial revolution came along, SW education to improve creativity and problem-solving ability began in elementary, middle, and high schools first and then in universities as well positively; however, research on the curriculum or what it has to pursue is not yet enough. Here, this study will investigate the current status of SW education provided in software-oriented schools operated in universities and also given as cultural studies in general universities and examines the curriculum or the standard plan for education. In most schools, it is operated as similar subject names, and diverse methods are tried on- and off-line to cultivate computing thinking skills. Also, to study SW education programs that can be operated in the general cultural courses of universities and find out how to utilize them, this author suggests the goal setting, educational contents, and teaching methods for SW education. As follow-up tasks, it will be needed to apply the suggested programs to the field and find out new evaluation methods in order to cultivate creative and convergent persons of ability.



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  1. Research on the Content to Develop Instructor's Certification for Software Education vol.25, pp.12, 2020,