Expression Characteristics of Korean Buffet applied Space Branding - Focusing on the Korean Buffet in Seoul City -

스페이스 브랜딩을 적용한 한식뷔페 표현특성 - 서울시에 위치한 한식뷔페를 중심으로 -

  • 정영현 (한성대학교 일반대학원 인테리어디자인전공)
  • Received : 2017.05.12
  • Accepted : 2017.06.20
  • Published : 2017.06.30


The rapid growth of Korean-style buffet in recent years has increased the size of corporate investment. Under this circumstance, businesses make various marketing efforts while highlighting the features and advantages of their brands. Against this backdrop, this study aims to understand which space branding has been applied to the Korean-style buffet through case studies and to propose a method of application of space branding to increase sales in an effective manner in the future. First, the research is theoretical examination and case studies with focus on the characteristics of expressions of Korean-style buffet space branding. Basically, upon completion of examining the concept and the characteristics of expressions of the Korean-style buffet and analyzing the concept of space branding, the components of space branding have been reconstructed based on preceding studies on space branding and then have been applied to each brand space. Also, the hands-on experience of the characteristics of expression of the Korean-style buffet with space branding incorporated in it and prepared a checklist via visual inspections. And then, the field surveys based on these examinations and took approach of drawing a conclusion based on the results analysis conducted by using the SPSS statistical program. Through preceding studies, the three components of space branding, that is, sensory element, emotional element, and cognitive element have been reconstructed before proceeding with this study, which has obtained five major findings as a conclusion. First, the sensory element should be given elements differentiated enough to attract consumers' attention along with a sustainable effort to have brand image imprinted in their mind. Second, in terms of emotional element, the study has found that the brand experience oriented toward interest and participation results in higher utility frequency. Third, the study has found that the cognitive element should seek consistency in communicating with consumers with focus on face-to-face contact on the display in space. Fourth, it has been found that arranging independent spaces is necessary to attract consumers' participation. Finally, the study has identified in which location area of buffet the sensory, emotional, and cognitive elements have placed a significant weight.



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