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- 顧客本位의 信賴할만한洋靴! [Reliable, customer-oriented shoes!]. (1921, March 31). NAVER Newslibrary - The Dong-A Ilbo. Retrieved July 16, 2015, from
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- 豚皮로 구두 製造 [Shoes made of pig-skin]. (1938, August 7). Big Kinds - Maeilsinbo. Retrieved September 6, 2015, from
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- 美國最新流行洋靴專門商 [American fashionable footwear specialty store]. (1921, May 31). NAVER Newslibrary - The Dong-A Ilbo. Retrieved May 10, 2015, from
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- 事業成功者列傳 (十六) 製靴로 成功 京城 朴德裕氏 [Business successful people heated contest, Park Deogyu succeeded handmade shoes]. (1927, January 18). NAVER Newslibrary - The Dong-A Ilbo. Retrieved July 25, 2015, from
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- 女學生의신으시난洋靴난반드시弊店에 [Girls' shoes must be in the Sechang shoes store]. (1921, October 11). NAVER Newslibrary - The Dong-A Ilbo. Retrieved June 21, 2015, from
- 牛皮改良의 必要 [Improvement of cow skin needs]. (1922, March 10). NAVER Newslibrary - The Dong-A Ilbo. Retrieved July 20, 2015, from
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- 戰時中小工業問題 十五 皮革의 使用制限 洋靴業致命打擊 [Small industrial problems during the exhibition 15, The shoes industry been hitting due to limited use of leather]. (1938, October 2). NAVER Newslibrary - The Dong-A Ilbo. Retrieved May 26, 2016, from
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