Designing a Fuzzy Expert System with a Hybrid Approach to Select Operational Strategies in Project-Based Organizations with a Selected Competitive Priority

  • Received : 2016.09.16
  • Accepted : 2017.01.19
  • Published : 2017.03.30


This research was conducted in order to solve the problem of selecting an operational strategy for projects in project-based organizations by designing a fuzzy expert system. In the current research, we first determined the contributing parameters in operational strategy of project-based organizations based on existing research literature and experts' opinion. Next, we divided them into two groups of model inputs and outputs and the rules governing them were determined by referring to research literature and educational instances. In order to integrate rules, the revised Ternary Grid (revised TG) and expert opinions were applied according to a hybrid algorithm. The Ultimate rules were provided in Fuzzy Inference System format (FIS). In this FIS, proper manufacturing decisions are recommended to the user based on selected competitive priority and also project properties. This paper is the first study in which rules and relations governing the parameters contributing operational strategy in project-based organizations are acquired in a guided integrated process and in the shape of an expert system. Using the decision support system presented in this research, managers of project-based organizations can easily become informed of proper manufacturing decisions in proportion with selected competitive priority and project properties; and also be ensured that theoretical background and past experiences are considered.



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