롤랑 바르트의 텍스트로 본 렘 콜하스, SANAA, 소우 후지모토 건축의 특성

A Study on the Works of Rem Koolhaas, SANAA, Sou Fujimoto through the Text of Roland Barthes

  • 투고 : 2016.11.18
  • 심사 : 2017.01.07
  • 발행 : 2017.02.28


The semiotics philosopher Roland Barthes declared 'the death of the author'. This means a sense of skepticism about author-centered writing in literature, and that readers and critics must also change their reading attitudes. In architecture, too, author-centered design appears. Architects sometimes try to express their will and concepts strongly through their work. However, this architecture is oriented toward identity, self-revealing, self-centered, and eventually without inspiration. On the other hand, the signifier does not result in a single meaning, and it is architecture as text that allows readers to enjoy the pleasure of deciphering. The purpose of this study is to investigate that unilateral by the will of the architect. Or whether there is a potential for non-intelligence and the possibility of generating meaning. In particular, we will analyze the works of Rem Koolhaas, SANAA and Sou Fujimoto to see if they are free from the will of the architect and can obtain the user's true freedom. As a result, we want to reveal the potential of various interpretations by users in contemporary architecture.



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