3D printing techniques can be used in various application fields and many researches have been reported. FDM (Fused Deposition modeling) can make multi-material or multi-color models with the simultaneous use of two or more filaments. In a dual-nozzle FDM printers, while the active nozzle is working, the remaining nozzle will be idle. The remaining molten resins inside an idle nozzle can ooze out unwantedly. The spill over from the resting nozzle produces unwanted remaining on the fabricated product. In this research, we suggest a method for optimizing building position of a model to minimize the unwanted spill-over that could possibly contaminate the final product. The method is based on minimizing the two intersection volumes. The first intersection volume is obtained by intersecting the volume defined by the first material and the Minkowski sum between the volume of the first material and the vector obtained by subtracting the center point of the first nozzle from the center point of the second nozzle. The second intersection volume can be obtained by reversing the role of the first and second volumes and nozzles. Some results obtained from the implementation using the Parasolid (Siemens) geometric modeling kernel is presented.