BIM Space Layout Optimization by Space Syntax and Expert System

공간구문론과 전문가시스템을 활용한 BIM 공간배치 최적화 방안

  • Received : 2016.10.27
  • Accepted : 2016.12.18
  • Published : 2017.03.01


As building space constitution and layout are critical for satisfying the building owner and users, their optimization is so important in the design process. However it's not always simple to set up objective criteria for the space layout optimization for different requirements and the architects mostly depend on their own experience for these. This study is to suggest a way to make up for this issue by referencing and deducing the space layout based on the given BIM space information and existing knowledge. For this purpose, the Space Syntax is applied to extract the information from a space model and an Expert System is used to make the best use of the relevant knowledge. Based on the Integration indexes for all the spaces, we could compare the space layout alternatives and determine the best selection for different accessibility conditions.



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