Examining the Influencing Factors of Third-Party Mobile Payment Adoption: A Comparative Study of Alipay and WeChat Pay

  • Mu, Hong-Lei (Department of International Business, Dongguk University) ;
  • Lee, Young-Chan (Department of Business Administration, Dongguk University)
  • 투고 : 2017.10.09
  • 심사 : 2017.12.06
  • 발행 : 2017.12.31


Purpose The first purpose of this study is to investigate factors that are likely to influence user's intention to adopt third-party mobile payment platform. A comprehensive study about mobile payment services have used various variables to explain user's use intention based on the theory of reasoned action (TRA) or the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Variables such as simplicity, security, costs, relative advantage, individual mobility, subjective norm, trust, satisfaction, attitude towards use, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and so on. Among these factors, we expect to find out the most influential factors effecting user's use intention of the third-party mobile payment services. Second, we also examine whether the most influential factors have the same influence to different third-party mobile payment services by conducting comparative study of Alipay and WeChat Pay. Design/methodology/approach Empirical data for this study were collected from Chinese who has the experience using or have used Alipay or WeChat Pay. Participants needed to be familiar with Alipay or WeChat Pay because such users may be more aware of both the advantages and disadvantages of Alipay and WeChat Pay. We conduct a pilot test using Smart PLS 2.0, which includes 50 Alipay users and 82 WeChat Pay users. The result indicates that all the measurement fit for the context. And then 980 questionnaires were mainly sent out to the college students and the e-mails users randomly. To encourage participation, we give the participants a small gift as a present. Finally, we received a total of 683 replied. Data from respondents who gave incomplete or invalid answers were excluded to assure the validity of the constructs. 79 questionnaires were rejected, finally the valid data are 604 (with 372 Alipay users and 232 WeChat Pay users). Findings The results suggest that users' intention is determined by their trust on third-party mobile payment service and perceived usefulness of use. Comparative study results also indicated that the factors have different influence on Alipay group and WeChat Pay group, which offers a new aspect for academic field, and provides useful information to mobile payment service providers in China.



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