Effect of perceived luxuriousness on brand equity

  • Kang, Ju-Young M. (Dept. of Family and Consumer Sciences, Fashion Design and Merchandising Program, University of Hawaii at Manoa) ;
  • Kim, Jieun (Dept. of Business Administration, Fashion Business Program, Sejong Cyber University)
  • 투고 : 2016.09.29
  • 심사 : 2016.10.26
  • 발행 : 2016.10.31


The term used to describe consumer's valuation of a brand is brand equity. One concept that can be managed and may impact valuation of a prestige brand is "luxuriousness." As the concept of "luxuriousness" appears to be a key factor contributing to the equity of a prestige brand, the purpose of this study was to examine how luxuriousness is related to the brand equity utilizing a model developed by Yoo, Donthu, and Lee (2000). Yoo et al. (2000) identified three dimensions [brand association with awareness (BA), perceived quality (PQ), brand loyalty (BL)] accounted for the equity (OBE) of a brand. We speculated that the five dimensions of luxuriousness (i.e., quality, extended self, hedonism, accessibility, and tradition) would selectively influence the two dimensions of brand equity (BA, PQ) and that loyalty would mediate the relationship between the two dimensions of brand equity (BA, PQ) and overall brand equity. A total of 502 participants aged from 18 to 74 were surveyed in USA. Using AMOS 18, the path analysis was conducted with the maximum-likelihood estimation procedure. The model exhibited a good fit with the data and all hypotheses were supported except one. Quality, accessibility, and hedonism dimensions of luxuriousness affected perceived quality of the equity of a brand. Hedonism and extended self dimensions affected brand association with awareness. However, tradition dimension did not significantly influence brand association with awareness. Overall, this research expands understanding of brand equity as it documents the contributions of luxuriousness, a component that can be controlled by brand managers.



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