Human and Society-Centered Learning Outcomes in Basic Medical Education

사람과 사회 중심의 기본의학 학습성과

  • Kim, Dae Hyun (Department of Medical Education, Keimyung University School of Medicine)
  • 김대현 (계명대학교 의과대학 의학교육학교실)
  • Received : 2016.09.20
  • Accepted : 2016.10.20
  • Published : 2016.10.31


Learning objectives for human and society-centered basic medical education to improve physicians' ability to practice in a Korean context were developed by the Korean Association of Medical Colleges in 2015-2016. The task-force committee identified eight domains for medical practitioners: human illness, reflection and self-improvement, patient safety, communication and collaboration, medical ethics, legal issues, social accountability, and professionalism. A total of 172 enabling learning outcomes and 42 terminal learning outcomes were identified by the workshop. The workshop members were representatives from 41 medical schools, the Korean Medical Association, and a scientific group (medical ethics, legal issues, and medical communication). The curriculum for "medical humanity and social medicine" was first published in 2007. The human and society-centered learning objectives that were developed will be revised annually.



  1. General Medical Council. (2009). Tomorrow's Doctors: Education outcomes and standards for undergraduate medical education. London: General Medical Council.
  2. Ross, M., & Cummings, A. (2009). Common learning outcomes/competencies for the bachelor of medicine in Europe: The Medicine 2 Bologna First Cycle Tuning Project.
  3. Korean Association of Medical Colleges. (2012). Learning outcomes of basic medical education: Clinical competency-centered. Anyang: Academia.
  4. Korean Association of Medical Colleges. (2014). Learning outcomes of basic medical education: Scientific concept and principle-centered. Anyang: Academia.