페이스북에서의 프라이버시 패러독스 현상 연구 : 듀얼팩터이론을 중심으로

Investigating the Privacy Paradox in Facebook Based on Dual Factor Theory

  • 투고 : 2016.01.25
  • 심사 : 2016.02.29
  • 발행 : 2016.03.31


People use social network services (SNSs) for various purposes, for example, to share information, to express themselves, and to strengthen social relationships with others. Meanwhile, problems of personal information leakage and privacy infringement become a social issue and thus information privacy concerns about inappropriate collection and use of personal information increase in SNSs (e.g., Facebook). Although people have privacy concerns in SNSs, they behave in a contradictory way, voluntarily presenting themselves and disclosing personal information. This phenomenon is called 'privacy paradox'. Using dual factor theory, this study investigates the phenomenon of privacy paradox by looking into enablers (e.g., self-presentation) and inhibitors (e.g., information privacy concern) for continuous use of Facebook that can co-exist independently of each other. It also includes antecedents of self-presentation (i.e., narcissism, need for affiliation, involvement, and self-efficacy) and those of information privacy concern (i.e., previous experience of privacy infringement, privacy awareness, and privacy control). The results show that most hypothesized relationships were supported. These findings provide strategic implications for SNS providers who want to promote continuous use of SNS. Under the current circumstances in which enhanced privacy policies are required, this study would be a useful reference for future research on information privacy issues in SNSs.



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